.. _installation: Installation ============ Dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~ =========== =========== ====== Library Version Commit =========== =========== ====== python 2.7 pyexiv2 0.3.2 exiv2 0.25 magic 0.4.10 d8a89620e7af25e78b21771a810924f2d81a9ed0 kivy 1.9.1 47c60f1cae5cc90b64a3a1fd351514e6036d7ebb pysqlite 2.6.0 46d999e5302fb58d9636759ff36e0875c0c1eeb2 sqlite 3.8.2 27392118af4c38c5203a04b8013e1afdb1cebd0d =========== =========== ====== Each of the libraries (except python) come with a lot of their own dependencies... so installation may be a bit tricky... Linux (Debian-like) ------------------- The following instructions are based and tested on the recent **Xubuntu 15.10**. If you use a different system, please do the analoguous and contribute! Update the system:: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade Install *setuptools* (for magic installation), *Python Imaging Library*, *pyexiv2* and *numpy*:: sudo apt-get install python-pil python-pyexiv2 python-numpy python-setuptools python-levenshtein *json* and *sqlite3* should come with the python installation already. If not, please do install them. Let's continue with *magic*. Installation is to be done manually but quite straight forward.:: wget https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/python-magic/python-magic-0.4.10.tar.gz tar -xzf python-magic-0.4.10.tar.gz cd python-magic-0.4.10 sudo python setup.py install For *kivy*, version 1.9.1 or above is required. If your system provides this, install *kivy* via standard distribution installation tools (ommit the first two commands). If only a lower version is delivered, a custom repository has to be added like shown below.:: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kivy-team/kivy sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python-kivy Now comes the *tagger*. Installation is analoguous to magic:: wget http://www.igsor.net/projects/tagit/_downloads/tagit-1.0.tar.gz tar -xzf tagit-1.0.tar.gz cd tagit-1.0/ sudo python setup.py install So, when all software is installed, let's talk settings. Write the default settings into a file, then change them. You can delete entries if the default values are ok. Make sure to write valid JSON (delete commas, brackets, ...).:: tagger info settings > ~/.tagitrc nano ~/.tagitrc Note that *tagger* looks for a config file (.tagitrc) in the current working directory (*pwd*) first, then the home, then the installation defaults. Repeat the above procedure in a different directory (or copy ~/.tagitrc) and adjust the settings again. When you're done configuring, run *tagger*.:: tagger index -r sync image-root/ tagger .. EOF ..